LADY CATHERINE CHARACTER NOTES Q’ 4 Write a note on the character and role of Lady Catherine in ’Pride and Prejudice’. Her Pride : Lady Catherine is a tall, large woman with stmngly-marked features, which might once have been handsome. She represents the aristocratic pride. She is so obsessed with self-importance that everybody around her … Read more

Jane austen novelist

Jane austen novelist Jane Austen ‘as a Novelist A Pure Artist Jane Austen was one of the supreme artists in fiction.She was a highly sophisticated artist. ln the opinion of W.L. Cross, “She is one of the sincerest examples in our literature of art for art’s sake.” Her experience was meagre and insignificant, but from … Read more

What is Hook Law Notes

What is Hook Law Notes हुक का नियम (Hooke’s Law)- हुक के नियम के आधार पर किसी आण्विक कम्पन के लिये उसकी कम्पन-आवृत्ति की गणना की जा सकती है और यह अनुमान लगाया जा सकता है कि कोई कम्पन किस क्षेत्र में होगा। हुक के नियम के व्युत्पत्ति किसी बंध को एक स्प्रिंग के समतुल्य … Read more

Mesothelioma Compensation for Family Members

Mesothelioma Compensation for Family Members –Asbestos exposure is a factor in the development of the malignancy mesothelioma. A family member may be eligible to financial compensation for their medical costs, lost wages, and other losses if mesothelioma has been diagnosed. The amount of compensation that a family member may be entitled to depends on several … Read more

Discuss the character of Darcy

Discuss the character of Darcy. Ans. FITZWILLIAM DARCY Introduction Fitzwilliam Darcy is the hero of Pride and Prejudice. He is the owner of the Pemberley estate worth ten thousand pounds a year. He is twenty seven, tall, handsome and of majestic appearance. He is one of the complex characters in the novel. While comparing Bingley … Read more

BSC 1st Year Physics Notes

BSC 1st Year Physics Notes MECHANICS AND WAVE MOTION Physics Mechanics Wave Motion UNIT-I Inertial reference frame, Newion’s laws of motion, dynamics of particle in rectilinear and circular motion, conservative and non-conservative forces, conservation of energy, linear momentum and angular momentum, collision in one and two dimensional cross-section. UNIT-II Rotational energy and rotational inertia for … Read more

Meaning of cost accounting pdf notes

Meaning of cost accounting notes pdf प्रश्न 1. लागत लेखांकन क्या है ? इसके लाभों की विवेचना कीजिये। What is Cost accounting ? Discuss the benefits of cost accounting. उत्तर- लागत लेखांकन का अर्थ एवं परिभाषा (Meaning and Definition of the Cost Accounting) लागत लेखांकन में लेखे इस प्रकार किये जाते हैं कि वस्तु या … Read more


DIFFERENT METHODS OF COST ACCOUNTING प्रश्न 2. लागत लेखांकन की विभिन्न पद्धतियों का संक्षेप में वर्णन कीजिये और उन उद्योगों का उल्लेख कीजिये जिनमें उनका प्रयोग किया जाता है। Describe in brief the different methods of Cost Accounting and State the industries of which they are applied. (DIFFERENT METHODS COST ACCOUNTING) उत्तर- व्यवसायों में लागत … Read more

Bcom 2nd year cost accouting short question

Bcom 2nd year cost accouting short answer प्रश्न 1. स्थिर एवं परिवर्तनशील लागतों में अन्तर बताइये। Distinguish between Fixed and Variable cost.  स्थिर व परिवर्तनशील लागते  Fixed and Variable cost उत्पादन के कुछ व्यय उत्पादन की मात्रा में परिवर्तन के परिणामस्वरूप घटते-बढ़ते हैं, ये व्यय परिवर्तनशील व्यय कहलाते हैं । उत्पादन के अधिक होने पर … Read more