Points of Current Marketing scenario of global marketing

The current marketing scenario of global marketing is as follows: 1.Liberalisation of Cross-border Movements: From last ten years or so, countries have eased their cross-border barriers which they earlier imposed very strictly. 2.Transfer of Technology: Under international business, both commercial and non commercial technology gets transferred and distributed. 3. Growth in Emerging Markets: Countries like India, China, … Read more

Constituents of Global Marketing Environment

Following are the different Constituents of Global Marketing Environment 1. Physical Environment: The constituents of physical environment are rivers, forests, lakes, clir conditions, natural resources, geographical location and territorial size of a country. The political economic decisions, religion, language, culture, transport, business activities, determination of usage, etc. are influenced by the physical environment. Country’s natural … Read more

Entry Strategies of Global Marketing

Some fundamental Entry Strategies of Global Marketing are categorised below: 1. Using Trade Intermediaries: Using trade intermediaries is another strategy which provides access global markets at low risks and lesser costs., These intermediaries are local agencies which offer trade facilities for all local businesses irrespective of their size. They act as distributors who market the … Read more

Types of Emerging Marketing Fields

The Types of Emerging Marketing Fields are as follows: 1. Digital Marketing: Digital marketing is an interactive marketing of products and services usi digital technologies to reach customers on-time and retain them. This interactive channel of distributi can be of various media forms like mobile, Internet and other digital outdoor tools. It has a great potential replace … Read more

Process of Green Marketing

The process of green marketing involves four main steps are as follows: 1. Fixing of the Green Price: After developing the green product, its price is fixed. Fixation of price very critical for developing a marketing strategy. Without carefully fixing the price of the green produ numerous customers, who are ready to pay higher prices for … Read more

Techniques of  Green Marketing

The various techniques of green marketing are as follows: 1.Involving and Involving the Consumers: Informing the consumers about the benefits eco-friendly products is not simply telling about their ecological benefits, but rather it involves creati awareness about why it is important to protect the environment. Without awareness, no one cares abo the green products and … Read more

Core Values of agile Marketing

Q.8. Discuss the core values of agile marketing Core Values of Agile Marketing The core values of agile marketing are as follows: 1. Rapid Iterations over Big-Bang Campaigns: The saying that, ‘Perfect is the enemy of good’ captures core of why it is so difficult for advertisers to be more agile. In old media world, … Read more

Mba Product Life Cycle Notes

Mba Product Life Cycle Notes Product Life Cycle A new product progresses through a sequence of stages from introduction to growth, maturity and dedine.This sequence is known as the product life cycle and is associated with changes in the marketing situation, thus impacting the marketing strategy and the marketing mix. Product life cycle is an … Read more