Ba 2nd Year Political Science Question paper

Ba 2nd Year Political Science Question paper (A-238) B.A. Il Year Political Science, 2018 B.A. II Year Examination, 2018 (Unified Syllabus) Political Science-III An Out Line History of Western Political Thought Note : … प्रश्न-पत्र को पाँच खण्डों-अ, ब, स, द एवं ह में विभाजित किया गया है। खण्ड-अ (लघु उत्तरीय प्रश्न) में एक लघु … Read more


FITZWILLIAM DARCY Introduction : Fitzwilliam Darcy is the hero of Pride and Prejudice. He is the owner of the Pemberley estate worth ten thousand pounds a year. He is twenty seven, tall, handsome and of majestic appearance. He is one of the complex characters in the novel. While comparing Bingley and Darcy, Jane Austen tells … Read more


LADY CATHERINE Her Pride : Lady Catherine is a tall, large woman with strongly-marked features, which might once have been handsome. She represents the aristocratic pride. She is so obsessed with self-importance that everybody around her seems to her infinitely inferior, both in social status and mental level. She is so accustomed to adulation and … Read more

Plot Construction

Plot Construction Jane Austen’s great skill lies in plot construction. Her skilfully constructed plots are really the highest object of artistic perfection. Her novels have an exactness of structure and symmetry form. All the incidents that are introduced have their particular meanings. Jane Austen’s plots are not simple but compound. They do not compromise barely … Read more


ELIZABETH BENNETHer Physical Charm : Elizabeth Bennet was the creator. Of all her heroines, Jane Austen liked Elizabeth Bennet most. During the last one century and a half, countless readers and critics have fallen in love with her. Elizabeth is certainly not as beautiful as Jane, still she is graceful and charming. There is something … Read more

Element of Drama

Element of Drama (नाटक के तत्त्व) Q. 1. In which work the elements of drama has been enumerated ? Name them. किस कृति में नाटक के तत्वों का समावेश किया गया है? उनके नामों का उल्लेख कीजिए। Ans. Most successful playwrights follow the theories of playwriting and drama that were established over two thousand years … Read more


DEVELOPMENT OF DRAMA (नाटक का विकास) Q. 1. When did drama appear in a significant form ? एक स्थापित विद्या के रूप में नाटक कब प्रकट हुआ? Ans. After a hundred years of insignificance drama again appears in an important literary form, and the thirty years under review some men of genius, who are also … Read more