Business Communication Notes in Hindi pdf

Business Communication Notes in Hindi pdf Download and learn easily Bcom with are presenting you to Business Communication Notes in Hindi pdf Topic wise Notes सम्प्रेषण सिद्धान्त  Communication Theory  सन्देश के माध्यम से सम्प्रेषण मनुष्यों को एक-दूसरे से जोड़ता है। सम्प्रेषण को किसी सीमा में बाँधना प्रायः असम्भव ही है, बल्कि इसे कुछ मापदण्डों के … Read more

Bcom 2nd Year Winding up of Company

Bcom 2nd Year Winding up of Company The company’s end (Winding up of Company)  welcome to this post presented by karan saini, Bcom 2nd Year Winding up of Company in hindi Meaning of injustice and mismanagement in the company (meaning of oppression and mismanagement in a company)  Injustice-Injustice refers to all such acts which are primarily to derail the … Read more

Bcom 2nd Year Winding up of Company

Bcom 2nd Year Winding up of Company in hindi कम्पनी का समापन (Winding up of Company)  welcome to this post presented by karan saini, Bcom 2nd Year Winding up of Company in hindi कम्पनी में अन्याय एवं कुप्रबन्ध से आशय (Meaning of Oppression and Mismanagement in a Company)  अन्याय-अन्याय से आशय ऐसे सभी कार्यों … Read more