Chris Norton Net worth – Age, wife, earnings

Chris Norton Net Worth

Chris Norton is a well-known motivational speaker from the United States. Chris Norton was also a former American football player. Unfortunately, his football career was cut short in 2010 when he got disabled.
Chris Norton Net Worth is estimated to be about $8 million in 2024.
Continue reading to learn more about Chris Norton’s salary, income, and other data.

Chris Norton real nameChris Norton
Chris Norton Net Worth$8 million
Date of birth/ Birthday/ Birth date1993
Occupationmotivational speaker, former footballer

Chris Norton earnings, salary, income

Chris Norton’s monthly salary is roughly $30,000. Chris Norton’s annual salary is roughly $360,000.
People continue to wonder:
How much money does Chris Norton make?
For every thousand video views, an ad-supported channel gets money. YouTube monetized channels may make $3 to $7 per thousand video views.
Income can also be generated through marketing their own items, taking sponsorships, or generating cash through affiliate commissions.
We’ve recently updated the net worth of like other YouTubers. Examine them out.

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Chris Norton wife

Chris Norton’s relationship status indicates that he is married to Emily Summers. Chris and Emily married on April 21, 2018 in Jupiter, Florida. Emily, Chris Norton’s long-term girlfriend, is active on Instagram, where she has 41.9k followers and 110 posts. Emily learnt to assist Chris, and her connection with him improved. Chris and Emily married in 2018, according to the most recent reports.
People Magazine videotaped the ceremony, and a video of the bride and groom strolling together has gone viral. Chris and Emily’s children updates state that they have seven children. In the future, the couple hopes to adopt more children. Chris Norton’s children are adopted, demonstrating how generous the couple has been.


  • Channel name – Chris Norton
  • Joined on – 14 Sept 2012
  • Number of subscriber – 4.10K 

Early life and career 

Though there isn’t much information on Chris Norton’s early life, it can be claimed that he’s doing incredibly well. Norton was a college football player for the Luther College Norse in Division III. Chris Norton now heads a non-profit foundation and works as a full-time motivational speaker after overcoming adversity.

Things changed for him when he was disabled after suffering a spinal cord injury during a football game. He was paralysed on a tackle during a kick-off in a game against Central College in 2010. He has only a 3% chance of regaining mobility below his neck. However, his life is improving as he and his wife operate his non-profit organisation in Florida. Chris Norton Net Worth is placed among the top celebrity net worths.

  • Chris Norton Injury update

According to October 16, 2010 reports, Norton broke C3 and C4 vertebrae during the third quarter of play. This all occurred during a football game versus Central College in Decorah, Iowa. The fracture occurred when his skull impacted with the ball carrier’s knee. Norton lay unmoving on the ground, face down.

He was taken to Winneshiek Medical Center for emergency care, when physicians arranged for an airlift to the nearby Mayo Clinic. Norton later underwent surgery at Rochester’s Mayo Clinic. A fragment of his hip bone had been utilised to join C3, C4, and C5 vertebrae at this point. Doctors had given him a 3% chance of recovering any mobility prior to surgery. The procedure lasted about three hours and had no significant problems.

According to October 17, 2010, updates, Norton awakened with his neck immobilised. The physicians inserted a tube into his throat to increase oxygen supply. He couldn’t talk, but he could shrug his left shoulder slightly. Chris had to spend five days in the intensive care unit before being sent to rehab.
Over the course of four months, he also got near-daily occupational and physical therapy sessions. He regained enough mobility to use a power steering setup just two weeks following his injuries. According to the March 2011 reports, he has moved into the Ronald McDonald House of Rochester. He was also granted permission to continue his rehabilitation at Mayo Clinic’s outpatient programme for three months.

Norton returned home to Bondurant, Iowa, on May 20, 2011, to restore strength in his torso and arms, according to reports. He also returned to Luther College, where he shared campus dormitories with a bunch of old teammates. Chris Norton’s sister, Alex, a qualified nurse, assisted him as well.
According to May 24, 2015 updates, Chris Norton accepted his diploma in Business Management.
The Chris Norton Foundation is highlighted.

According to 2012 revisions, Chris Norton and his family established the SCI CAN Foundation. It proven to be one of the most effective charity organisations for raising funds for people with spinal cord injuries. The charity has been assisting such individuals throughout Iowa and the Midwest. The SCI CAN Foundation sponsors yearly fundraising dinners and other events. It covers the cost of the grant to rehabilitation centres, hospitals, and people. According to 2017 reports, the SCI CAN Foundation has raised more than $600,000.

  • A highlight on the Chris Norton Speaking career   

Chris Norton went across northern Iowa while still in college. He has delivered his message to church organisations, college clubs, and local sports teams there. He has also spoken at companies and conferences around the country. Chris Norton and his father, Terry, wrote a father-son book, “The Power of Faith When Tragedy Strikes,” in 2015. Norton founded Norton Motivation, a speaking firm based in Port St. Lucie, Florida, shortly after graduating from college.


Chris Norton’s Current Address
Chris Norton now resides in Port St. Lucie, Florida, with his wife. He leads his non-profit foundation and works full-time as a motivational speaker there.
What Is Chris Norton Up To These Days?
Chris Norton is now a well-known motivational speaker. He also leads the SCI CAN Foundation, a non-profit organisation.

What brought Chris Norton and Emily Summers together?
Chris and Emily rose to prominence after an online video went viral. It also includes a rundown of their life’s hardships. Emily and Chris Norton met in Muscatine. Chris was in training at the time after becoming disabled in a football accident.
What is Chris Norton’s net worth?
According to our most recent estimations, Chris Norton’s net worth is about $8 million.
How does Chris Norton make a living?
Chris opted to retire from football after sustaining a spine injury. He is now a motivational speaker, from which he earns a living.

Can Chris Norton Walk Now?
Doctors warned Chris Norton that he would never be able to walk again. But he is confident that with physical treatment, he will be able to walk again.
Is Chris Norton still married to Emily Summers?
Yes, Chris Norton and Emily Summers are happily married.
What exactly is Chris Norton’s foundation?
The Chris Norton Foundation is a charitable organisation that assists persons with spinal cord and neuromuscular problems. They are excited to create new norms by providing millions of individuals with vital tools, treatments, adaptive camps, and research.

Chris Norton practises what religion?
Chris is an ardent Christian.
What is the story of Chris Norton?
He had to deal with the horrific results of an accident. But he never gave up on his aspirations. He is now well-known as a motivational speaker.
Chris Norton’s net worth is unknown.
According to the most recent estimations, Chris Norton’s net worth is approximately $8 million.
Who is Chris Norton’s wife?
Emily Summers is Chris’s wife.
What brought Chris Norton and Emily Summers together?
Chris and Emily Norton met in Muscatine, Iowa, when Chris was in training after being disabled in a football accident.

How is Chris Norton doing these days?
He now resides in Florida, where he maintains his non-profit organisation and works as a motivational speaker full-time.
Is Chris Norton out and about today?
Chris Norton was crippled in a gaming accident but subsequently walked at his graduation and wedding. In the new film, 7 Yards, he is recreating his experience.
Is Chris Norton still immobile?
He is now able to walk. His wife is a huge inspiration to him.
Chris Norton can he walk?
He can walk, but only with assistance.

What Became of Chris Norton?
Norton was a college football player for the Luther College Norse in Division III. Chris Norton now heads a non-profit foundation and works as a full-time motivational speaker after overcoming adversity. Things changed for him when he was disabled after suffering a spinal cord injury during a football game. This occurred in 2010, when he was paralysed following a tackle during a kick-off during a game versus Central College. He has only a 3% chance of regaining mobility below his neck. However, his life is improving as he and his wife operate his non-profit organisation in Florida.

Last words
Chris Norton Net Worth is progressively improving despite a difficult period in his life. He is preoccupied with his profession and his family, which makes him an excellent spouse and father. Chris has become a living example of how an accident does not have to be the end of one’s life. Stay tuned to learn more about the celebrities who have overcome adversity and are making great progress.

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