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HomeBCom 1st Year Business Communication NotesKey Factors of a Good Listening

Key Factors of a Good Listening

एक अच्छी श्रवणता मुख्य तत्त्व (Key Factors of a Good Listening)

एक अच्छी श्रवणता के मुख्य तत्त्व निम्नलिखित हैं-

1. केन्द्रित करने की क्षमता – एक अच्छे श्रोता में केन्द्रित करने की क्षमता होना अनिवार्य है। मस्तिष्क में अधिक दिशाओं में सोचने व समझने की अद्भुत क्षमता होती है। एक व्यक्ति के बोलने की क्षमता लगभग 180 से 250 शब्द प्रति मिनट होती है व ग्रहण क्षमता लगभग 400 से 600 शब्द प्रति मिनट होती है। श्रवण प्रक्रिया में सम्प्रेषक का प्राप्तकर्ता की ओर थोड़ा-सा भी विचलन, श्रवणता में विभ्रम पैदा करता है। इस स्थिति को ‘Miscommunication’ कहा जाता है। यदि श्रोता में अनुशासन व एकाग्रता है तो वह इसके द्वारा सम्प्रेषण में विभ्रम को न्यून कर सकता है।

2. अनुकूल व्यवहार – प्रत्येक व्यक्ति एक अच्छा श्रोता नहीं होता है। एक अच्छी प्रभावी श्रवणता के लिए अनुकूल व्यवहार का होना अति आवश्यक है। यदि श्रवण क्रिया में श्रोता प्रतिकूल व्यवहार दर्शाता है तो श्रवणता का उद्देश्य पूर्ण नहीं होता है।

3. सहायक शारीरिक मुद्रा – श्रवणता के समय शारीरिक भाषा सम्प्रेषण प्रक्रिया में सहायक होती है। पीछे होकर बैठना इस बात को दर्शाता है कि श्रोता स्वयं को सम्प्रेषक से रखना चाहता है।

4. प्रश्नोत्तर काल में (सहभागिता) प्रवेश – जब मस्तिष्क व मन की एकाग्रता भंग होने लगती है तो ऐसी स्थिति में प्रश्नोत्तर काल में प्रवेश करना उचित होता है। प्राप्तकर्ता (सुनने वाला) या श्रोता प्रश्न पूछता है। इस स्थिति में सम्प्रेषक या वक्ता प्रश्नकर्त्ता की ओर देखता है और उसका उत्तर देता है। सम्प्रेषक के लगातार घूरने से मस्तिष्क को विचलित होने से नहीं रोका जा सकता। यदि सम्प्रेषक के द्वारा श्रोता पर बराबर दृष्टि रखी जाती है तो श्रोता के लिए विचलित होना आसान नहीं होता है और न ही वह धोखाधड़ी कर पाता है। 

Following are the main elements

1. Ability to focus – It is essential to have the ability to concentrate in a good listener. The brain has an amazing ability to think and understand in many directions. The speaking ability of a person is about 180 to 250 words per minute and the receptive power is about 400 to 600 words per minute. In the auditory process, the slightest deviation of the communicator towards the receiver produces hallucinations in hearing. This situation is called ‘Miscommunication’. If the listener has discipline and concentration, then he can reduce the confusion in communication through this.

2. Friendly behavior – Not everyone is a good listener. Good behavior is essential for good effective listening. If the listener exhibits unfavorable behavior in the listening activity, then the purpose of listening is not fulfilled.

3. Supportive Body Posture – Body language helps in the communication process at the time of listening. Sitting back indicates that the listener wants to keep himself from the communicator.

4. Entry into question-answer time (participation) – When the concentration of mind and mind starts getting disturbed, then it is appropriate to enter question-and-answer time in such a situation. The recipient (hearer) or listener asks the question. In this situation the communicator or speaker looks at the questioner and gives the answer. The constant stare of the communicator does not prevent the mind from being distracted. If the communicator keeps an equal eye on the listener, then it is not easy for the listener to get distracted nor is he able to cheat. 

Karan Saini Content Writer & SEO AnalystI am a skilled content writer and SEO analyst with a passion for crafting engaging, high-quality content that drives organic traffic. With expertise in SEO strategies and data-driven analysis, I ensure content performs optimally in search rankings, helping businesses grow their online presence.



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