Para language in Business Communication


Para language in Business Communication

भाषा प्रतिरूप

‘Para language’ में ‘Para’ शब्द का आशय ‘समान’ तथा language’ शब्द का आशय ‘भाषा’ से है। दोनों के संयुक्त अर्थ को हिन्दी में ‘पाश्र्व भाषा’ कहते हैं। मौखिक सम्प्रेषण में वक्ता का यदि गहन अवलोकन करें तो पता चलता है कि वह अपने सम्प्रेषण में अनेक संकेतों, स्वर का उतार-चढ़ाव, धाराप्रवाह अथवा अप्रवाह, जगह-जगह वाणी को अल्प विराम, ऊँची अथवा धीमी आवाज जाने-अनजाने में प्रयोग करता है। इस प्रकार की अभिव्यक्ति को ही मिश्रित रूप में ‘पाश्र्व भाषा’ कहा जाता है।

‘Para language’ अभाषित सम्प्रेषण का ही एक प्रकार है, परन्तु अन्य अभाषित सम्प्रेषणों (Non-verbal Communications) की अपेक्षा यह शब्द – संकेतों के अत्यन्त निकट है क्योंकि इसमें एक वक्ता अपने शब्दों को किस प्रकार ‘स्वर – ध्वनि’ के साथ कैसे उद्घोषित करता है, इस बात का इशारा या संकेत प्राप्त होता है। आवाज या स्वरों में यह गुण या विशेषता होनी चाहिए कि उनके स्वराघात, लय, गति व मात्रा अथवा आयाम के द्वारा सन्देश के अर्थ को समझा जा सके। जैसे उच्च स्वराघात / लय वाली आवाज स्नेह, प्रेम, अनुराग, लगाव, चाह की परिचायक है।

Para language Meaning/definition

In ‘Para language’, the word ‘Para’ means ‘similar’ and the word ‘language’ means ‘language’. The combined meaning of both is called ‘Parva Bhasha’ in Hindi. In oral communication, if the speaker is deeply observed, it is found that he uses many signals in his communication, fluctuating tone, fluent or fluent, short pauses, high or low voices at different places knowingly or unknowingly. . This type of expression is called ‘lateral language’ in its mixed form.

‘Para language’ is a type of non-verbal communication, but compared to other non-verbal communication, it is very close to word-signs because in this how a speaker pronounces his words with ‘vowel-sound’. does, the indication or indication of that is received. Voice or vowels should have this quality or characteristic that the meaning of the message can be understood by their intonation, rhythm, speed and volume or amplitude. Like, high-pitched / rhythmic voice is a sign of affection, love, affection, attachment, desire.

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